A quick view of VMware’s vCloud features/benefits.
- VMware vCloud Air Dedicated Cloud
- vCloud Air Virtual Private Cloud
- vCloud Air Block Storage
- Objective Storage
- NEW! Dedicated Disaster Recovery
Dedicated Cloud
Single-tenant software benefits include ease of securing data, keeping instances from affecting other customers, and a better transition “from SaaS to Self-Hosted” highlighted by Tim Eisenhauer. To read more about the pros and cons of multi-tenant versus single-tenant software click here.
Virtual Private Cloud
Perhaps your output and bottom line do not justify investing in a dedicated cloud. No problem! You can save time and money by leveraging a private cloudspace. VMware’s vSphere still holds steady as the leader in private cloud usage according to the 2017 State of the Cloud Survey.
Air Block Storage
Simple choice of three storage options yet flexible for any cloud storage need, workload, or budget.
1. All Storage Features
2. All-SSD Premium
3. All-SSD Standard
Object Storage
So what about all of your unstructured data? Powered by Google Cloud Platform Object Storage allows you to quickly access this data, employ analytic tools, and be cost-effective. Win win!
Disaster Recovery
Traditional definitions of “intellectual property” do not capture the true value of content that today is more accessible today than ever before. When we use our creativity and energy to create something, in this case digital, we leave with it an extension of ourselves. When you lose these valuables as an individual, say an external drive full of photographic memories, or important business content it is devastating.
Doom and gloom aside this is an exciting age where we can trust the security of our intellectual property with companies on the cutting edge such as VMware. How? With what VMware calls it’s vCloud Air Dedicated Disaster Recovery system, saving you time and money.
Bottom Line
vCloud – Flexibility, reliability, cost-effective. Step out of “cloud nine” and join a cloud provider that is helping individuals and businesses succeed!